Thursday 6 February 2014

Moving to University...

The Brayford pool. Lincoln University. Photo by Katherine Morten

Moving to university was one of the most nerve wracking things I have ever had to do. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to go, but it was an apprehensive journey.

Running up to the ‘big’ move all of my family would say “Young Katherine moving away, I just cannot believe it.’’ At first I was like, it's no big deal right? It was not until the night before I had to leave the nest that I went into an absolute mental break down.

I sat in my empty room thinking to myself I’m moving, I am actually moving. What the hell am I thinking moving away from the comfort of my parent’s home and the familiar hustle and bustle of my beautiful city of London.

Why? Why on earth would someone leave London, it had everything I needed,  I was moving to the city of Lincoln; a place I knew little about.

All I can say is there is no looking back. I am three quarters of a way through my first year as a Journalism fresher and hand on heart it is the best decision I have ever made.

The word happy cannot be defined as it means something different to every individual. Though in my eyes this is the happiest I have ever felt and that has nothing to do with the £2 double vodka kicks at Superbull every friday.

The constant wonder of will I make friends? Will someone think I am weird? Will I enjoy my degree? All these things rushed through my head running up to my university experience and they were soon forgotten. I can honestly say I have made some of the best friends  in such a short space of time. Yes, they all think I am weird but in a good way because it turns out we are all just as nutty as each other (not naming anyone specific).

 Most importantly of course, the initial worries of whether or not a degree in Journalism was right for me or whether I was the right candidate for a degree in Journalism had soon washed away. All that matters is that I am enjoying every minute of it. I have learnt so much in the past few months and look forward to the next few years.

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